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The Meaning of Colors
Colors are one of the most beautiful and also one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the physical realm. We are surrounded by colors, but how often do we notice the numerous subtleties in the myriad shades.
Spiritually, color can impart both information - as in aura colors, and energy - as in healing. The aura is the spiritual energy field surrounding living beings which is "visible" to the psychically sensitive.
This short article presents the meanings generally associated with the most common colors. Use these meanings as a starting point in your own explorations. We are each unique individuals and colors may hold different meanings for us than for others, just as a piece of music inspires different feelings in different people.
Use colors to promote those qualities you wish to emphasize. Use them in your surroundings for qualities you wish to emphasize permanently. Wear clothes of appropriate colors to promote those qualities in a particular situation. You can also use colors simply by visualizing them, whether to promote their qualities or to exploit their healing energy for yourself or others.
p/s: test ur aura colours @
have u ever hate someone u don't even know his/her name? Someone u juz met somewhere on the street, at ur shcool, office..etc. u never even bother to say hi to that person but surprisingly u HATE him/her. Dat's aura. tak match la kirenye...
I do believe that statement. Kadang2 kita rasa org tu annoying habis. Benci tgk dressing dia, benci tgk cara dia jalan, benci tgk muka dia, benci dgr suara dia.. Padahal dia tak buat salah kat kita. Tak kenal pun. Aper la salah orang tu kan??
"I'm not a hater but i hate haters" (pinjam statement from Fuzz). kadang2 benda ni still leh jadi w/pun kita taknak jadi kejam. Tak psl2 nak benci orang. Tak kenal maka tak cinta ~ bak kata pepatah Melayu. Betul tu. Jalan paling bagus, benci mana pun kat org tu..jgn la tiba2 nak menghina dia tak psl2 or cari gado. Kenal dulu. Atleast know his/her name. Kalo still takleh ngam jauhkan diri. Jgn tambah enemy.
Aku bengang betul ngan hater ni. ^&%^&$%^@%%&&*&*!!!! (rasa nak mencarut jek..hishh...) Aku dah jadi mangsa. Kalau betullah dia benci sgt dgn aku, bitau aku dpn2. Jgn la nak menghina aku openly secara online mcm ni. I still have my own pride w/pun aku tau i'm not perfect. Dah hina aku, guna bahasa kasar.. mencarut guna word yg aku plg benci (p***m*k), but maintain his/her anonymousity. Kalau btl2 ikhlas nak nasihat, apa salahnya nasihat elok2. Aku leh terima. Nasihat apa namanya ni kalau dah org tu sndri guna bahasa tak elok? Sabar Ilyana.. sabar...
Apa2 hal, kalau aku ada buat silap tolong maafkan aku. Jgn benci aku tak psl2. Cara hidup aku, aku yang tentukan. Tolong jgn masuk campur. Kalau nak menegur, tegurlah sebagai seorang insan yang bertanggungjawab. Bukan menghina mengikut rasa.
heh.. sesuai sanGat lah nGan entry kat bloG aku tuh..
ye kan?
nasihat tu pakej dia skali nGan ikhlas.
kalo bukan,
itu maki nama nya.
betul..betul.. sbb tu aku sokong sgt ape dlm entry blog ko tu.
bengang ni..bengang...huhu
I also dont understand why ppl like Johnny Depp, Ako Mustapha have some grudge againts me. Cause I just can't understand how can you hate someone without knowing them first.
Go go chaiyokk!!
betul!! takleh nak terima nasihat dr org2 penakut mcm tu. Dtg jmpaface 2 face la kalo berani.kan??
mental muz
hehe.. chaiyok!!!!
p/s : i love ako! =p
pinkyangel.. Noo need laaa the color aura..u think of me u think color olen good for you oleady maahhh. :P
hahahaa..i love olen kaler.. i love kuceng olen.. i love abbeng!!