it's like.. i'm living in my OWN wolrld.
Spent my litle precious time surfing around blogs,
photopages and friendster..
getting some updates from my friends all over the world
felt like crying.. sometimes felt like I'm left behind..
Jauh ketinggalan.
Spent my litle precious time surfing around blogs,
photopages and friendster..
getting some updates from my friends all over the world
felt like crying.. sometimes felt like I'm left behind..
Jauh ketinggalan.
Hope it's not too late to wish congrats to..
my dear childhood friend,
Faisza for her wedding.
Maybe she didn't have my phone number..
that's explain why I didn't get any invitation.
my 'bestest' friend, Mysara for her unborn baby.
Take good care of him.
Can't wait to see you wearing maternity clothes.
Ayuni, keje gomen skarang.
Slamat berkhidmat utk kerajaan.
Hope ur happy with your bee.
Suliana and Neo for their engagement.
Happy for both of you.
A'an, dah dpt keje jadi programmer.
Faz a'k.a nina..
Dah jadi artis skarang + engineer berjaya.. hehe
Kiflie for his engagement
My (3) ex's for their wedding
Faisza for her wedding.
Maybe she didn't have my phone number..
that's explain why I didn't get any invitation.
my 'bestest' friend, Mysara for her unborn baby.
Take good care of him.
Can't wait to see you wearing maternity clothes.
Ayuni, keje gomen skarang.
Slamat berkhidmat utk kerajaan.
Hope ur happy with your bee.
Suliana and Neo for their engagement.
Happy for both of you.
A'an, dah dpt keje jadi programmer.
Faz a'k.a nina..
Dah jadi artis skarang + engineer berjaya.. hehe
Kiflie for his engagement
My (3) ex's for their wedding
yep.. plan nak buat on my b'day. but it's on monday.
photographer? hehe..lum lg. amek gmbr sndri je la kot.hehehe
err..tagged? katne? ada ke?
heheh..congrats beb..ko dah maju dari kitorang...
wehh kahwin jgn lupa jemput aku...kalau tak jemput..siap ko..
ala, nanti aku jemput punye la..dun weri.
tapi nnti last mins jgn bg alasa
"sorila korang.. aku tak dpt join...."
aku dah agak ko akan berkata begitu...
tunggu dan lihat...
owah....jemput la i...jemput la i... *muka tak malu*
hehehe.. orait..kita tggu dan lihat.
sile la dtg kalo tak malu. hehehe..
thn ni memang byk betul kenalan yng kawin n tunang! thn tuah kot.
neway, congrats!
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yuh,nanti ko da tunang,dah kawen,aku dah xde geng nak 'merambu'..sobsobsob...
but i'm happy for u my darling..congrats =)
p/s:aku plak yg excited lelebih nih...hehe
lex ar beb.. baru tunang. over la ko ni yong. hehehe..
ko bile lg? bile kita nak merambu2 lg ni? bz sgt ke jd programmer??
congrats... hepi 4 you!
aku lmbt lg kot.hehe...tgu ko ada anak 2..:p
skrg ni aku xde le bz.ko tu yg nak tunang le katakan...