Friday, 10 July 2009

A little thought for a dear friend

Here it is.. As promised. Credits to Ely and her new D5000 for the beautiful + bright + colourful + no need any editing photos.

Congratulations to my dear childhood friend, Miss Nurshufarah Oon for her engagement, last Sunday (5 July 2009).

This is the lucky girl..

Didn't she looks so gorgeous in white?
..and the make up really stand out in the pictures.
Just perfect.

..more pictures..

Cik Shu and her fiance, Incek Zul

From left, Mommy-to-be Yati, Fara, Shu and Ayu

This was our 'gediks' moment.
My favourite picture of all.
(Obviously because my face was in it! :p)

From left - me, Shu, Yati and Ely the photographer.

Let's join our (married) club..

Kisses from 2 hot mommas..
"We love you, Shu!"

My Little Teddy was unwell and I put him for a nap first, on that morning. I'm sorry I missed the ceremony.. but somehow I manage to come although just for a short time. It's really worth every minutes to be there, to witness one of the important event for my dear friend. We've known each other since we were 7. We were in the same class - Darjah 1 Biru. Am I right, Shu?

Congrats again to you and hope that your relationships will be blessed with happiness. Be good, control your 'kegatalan' okeh? Hehe..

Photo of the day

"Mom, did you forget about me?"

p/s: I got carried away every time I meet my friends. Not good for my little one. I guess I should put on a sign on my shirt, "I'm a mother now.."

12 stalker (s):

  • wildnara lya

    correction d5000 muahahah...
    thanks babe, aku tumpang glemer jelah.

  • Ilyana

    ops..sori. typo. sudah betulkan. hehehe..

  • lily lotus

    congrates to ur fren!
    pic kissing2 tu yg tak tahan tu...

  • Nur

    comelnye pic little hero tuh dgn pipinye :D

  • Ilyana

    sis lily,
    Thanks bagi pihak my friend. Kami penuh kasih sayang, tu yg siap kiss2 tu.. hehe

    pipi yg tembam slalu kena ciom ngan mommy dia.. ;p

  • Nur

    Oh sis nur sangat jeles okkk. Nak ciommm jugak!!! :D

  • fawwa

    oh fineeee. ko datang, aku dh balik. dem.

  • Anonymous

    gambar hidup tu...mahal. macam tengah tengok UFO...:D

  • Ilyana

    meh bg akak yg ciomkan. hehe..

    sori dt lmbt. dah ada baby ni ssh sket nak dtg awal2..lgpun bdk tu demam aritu..

    that pic was taken few seconds sblm bdk tu tergolek. hehe

  • lily lotus

    dear, i dah tukar blog, update kay ;)

  • Sitie BUm BUm

    camat bertunang

  • Ilyana

    sis lily,


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