Wednesday 8 March 2006

macam dah takde keje je aku ni..

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't
mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and yhou can sitll
raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I
awlyas tghuuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

atcuatlly bneda ni dah lmaa dah. Sjae pos kat sini. Maacm dah tkade kjee je kan??
raeidng tihs mkae me feel so rileeve bcesaue its oaky now to mkae so mcuh sepillng msiktae.

hahahhahaaa.. now, which 1 u feel the most annoying?
~ to read something with so much typo or grammatical error?

18 stalker (s):

  • bertique

    hda; kfkds; fs;ajkf jkfjas jfdsa
    djaklkljfd lkajlkfja.

    rgfjsk ligfsj; ogjffgg
    unjds ahmiofjisajor jesanoenoi

  • Cik Puan Muda Stress

    lagi biul baca comment biul si betik biul.

  • pinky angel

    jgn biol dulu! u still owe roti pisang cheese, remember??

    heoufui abfweuj.fbwri bfyrnfk ifh;'Iwio fdg. gjrihgsbgsd.

    pgrhu wefefeiibgs sjbr seohfn sdfeng

    p/s: im glad u understand what i'm trying to tell u. (hahahaha)

    cik PMS
    itu adalah our secret code utk mengumpat zuhri.

    hi viper!! welcome to my blog.
    try to blog hop to ur blog but unfortunately it's private.

    congrates coz u have the ability to read that entry.hehe..

    cheers =)

  • RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla

    ko memang takde kerja
    bukan ko banyak kerja ke?...dah brape hari bertapa kat rumah aku tgk...tak kuar tak ape...dok mengadap thesis..
    sempat lagi tu new post..hehehe

  • pinky angel

    biasala aku..lg bz lg byk posting baru.hehe.. Tensen dok lelama ngdap PC 24/7. Dah pnt thesis online la,ape lagi?

    eleh..ko pun sama.. dah start tensen2 nmpk? 3hb 4 beb.. hehehe...

    marilah bertapa bersama2.

  • Qiez AR

    aaaaa...uuuuu...eeee...cakit paler..juling mate..warghhh

  • pinky angel

    dah terlambat.sila menyesal sekarang kerana membacanya.

  • Cik Puan Muda Stress

    mail kat i manual bahasa rahsia ngumpat zuhri tuh. cam best je persatuan nya.

  • kunci hilang

    gangguan teksual.

  • Unknown

    heheh.. mesti baru belajar fonologi inggeris ni..

  • RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla

    beb....tertekan nyerrr!..
    dah ketagihan matlab lar sume orangggggg.....

  • iml

    I aws sohck to raed it at frist but I argee. Bgi porblme, wirtign rubibsh is alto moer hrader!!!

  • Cik Puan Muda Stress

    N E X T !!

  • pinky angel

    thanx! =)

    biasala iris..kdg2 dtg musim 'rambut menggerbang' a.k.a malasnakbuatapa2 dia tu, mmg bersawang la blog dia tu. takleh nak buat apa2.doakan yg terbaik utk dia. heheheh...

    cik PMS
    hahahaaa..i rasa kita tak perlukan bahasa rahsia since mengumpat dpn2 adalah lebih seronok.hahaha..

    kunci hilang
    hehe..gangguan teksual?i prefer sexual.hahaha.. (*mode gatal ON)

    tak la..dah lama dah blaja.since tadika lagi.. (*mode saje gune ayat blagak ON) hehehe...

  • pinky angel

    dark angel
    i'm an angel who loves pink color..hahahhaa...(perasannye!!)

    u love dark color meh??

    hati rawak
    sila tertekan menggunakan MATLAB 7.0 bersama CSound.

    "saya nak tgk hasilnya Isnin ni.." Bak kata Dr. Aini.=p

    it's my life story
    yyeay.. agree!!! (it's harder to write rubbish words but still ppl can understand)

    nantila..bising la yewww...

    cik PMS
    N E X T tu ape?biskut?i don't understand english.hehehe..

    pinky angel
    penat kan balas komen2 peminat ni? hahahahhaaaahahahhahaha...

  • RaNdoMHEarTsOfArMylla

    i'm dr. salina's most wanted person in fakulti kejuruteraan ukm...
    ouhhhh noooooo...i don't wanna be famous....i don't want my name listed on her notice board!!!!!!!

  • pinky angel

    alarr..ko sj je tanak buat keje dia supaya nama ko ada kat notice board tu kan?? kan?? tak ngaku lak gile glemer.hehehe...

    eric chiang
    thanx!! simple but take a lot of effort since i'm not an expert in html.

    dark angel
    ur yana 2 aite?hi yana.. hehe.. sound odd saying my own name.

    F1..F1..F1... kimi,kimi,kimi..(he's cute!!)

    hi mazlan. thanx =)

    broken wing? haiyyaa.. old sad story maa..hehehe..

    *give him more ubat tdo so that he wont wake up until my next 50 entries..*

  • pinky angel

    nina tade masa nak layan u. Dia bz tesis.. hehehe..

    apa kata u ngadu kat bertique je?dia rajin..

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