Monday 21 March 2011

My phone

I have been using my beloved Z610i Sony Ericson
for more than 4 years now.
As I can remember,
I (Teddy, actually) bought it for me in December 2006..
The same day he bought his so called 'antique' Fujifilm camera. Hehe..

Yes, I do have another phone
that I bought last year,
but I hate that phone so much
that I want to throw it in the drain in front of my house.

I hope you guys understand
if you didn't get any sms reply from me

I'm having trouble to type it!
(Mind you.. this phone is not a touch screen type.
It's touch pad! - since it don't have any keypad to key in anything)

This little person is completely responsible
to do this thing to my poor phone.

I wish for a new phone everyday.
..but somehow..

History might repeat itself.
In another 4-5 months maybe?

My Little Lotus..
Can't wait to have you in my arms.

6 stalker (s):

  • Unknown

    no worries..kami da bertukar lebih kurang 4 telefon sejak si kecil itu lahir..kesan asid liurnya yang menjahanamkan keseluruhan sistem. now pakai phone paling murah.. selamattt..hehehe..

  • Queen

    sian u yana....tapi kaannn..nampaknya i tak payah la throw i nye handphone lama2 yangda rosaktu..agak2 kalau anak i buat perangai nak jahanamkan phone..kasik handphone lama bleh?...hehehe

  • Ilyana

    biasala tu kan? hehe..

    awal2 tu ok lg. dia just guna phone tu buat gigit. mmg bergenang air liur seb baik phone SE i tu tough. tak rosak lgsg. nanti lama2 dia dh besar sket, kompom dia takmo hp rosak tu. dia nak yg functional. haa..better pk hp baru apa yg plg lasak..

  • SurayaHarris

    it's time for a new bb we can bbm sambil tepuk punggung anak..hehe

  • syafisyifa'

    wah comelnya keypad..tak tau pun ada enpon ada keypad secomel tu...(ataupun mmg pejah tak up to date lgsung psl enpon ni..hihi)

  • Ilyana

    adakah kau mau sponsor sebijik utk aku? hehe.. bb lg bahaya sbb byk key pad yg dia bole korek. hoho

    comel la sgtttt... :p

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