Let me introduce you to our new home.
I made these 2 designs using photoshop.
Will update the real pictures once I get connected again.
(By the way, this is a schedule post.. hehe)
More 3D rendering..
it's not perfect since I'm just too lazy to draw it properly.
good effort
nanti if da buat house-warming, jangan lupe jemput kami ye, hihihi...
cantik yunx..suka purple..tiru boleh..hahahaha
thanks.. :)
housecooling adala..hehe.. kami bankrap dah. xmampu nak buat party besar2an.kalo nak dtg, pintu sntiasa terbuka.. tp kami sorong air kosong. ok?hehe
tq..bole2. aku dpt komisyen x?hehe