Wednesday, 29 December 2010

2nd Canvas print

I made another design for canvas print.
Previously it was for my mother.
This time it's a special request from a friend of mine, Fydayu.
It was an anniversary gift for her husband.

Here's the design

..and here's the canvas print (taken from )

I love it!

..and thank God, Fydayu loves this print too. She said her husband became speechless and hugged her immediately when he saw it.

I have been promoting this canvas print to my friends and families.
Planning to make one (or most probably more) for our new home.
I guest, sooner or later I will transform this place into an art gallery.. :)
So, where should I hang it then? hurmm... 

5 stalker (s):

  • aZZa

    dah berangan-angan nak buat canvas print tp tak terbuat untuk deco wall rumah yg masih kosong.

  • Ilyana

    hehe..silala buat. cantik

  • Anonymous

    Hey! thanks for promoting. we really appreciate :)

  • Ilyana

    no problem.. mmg niat nak buat lagi canvas print ni. :)

  • Emma

    alaaaaa... nnt kalau u online buzz i ek.. nak tanya pasal canvas ni..


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